

Diane Warren has achieved incredible success in the music industry, earning numerous accolades for her exceptional songwriting and publishing work. Her success is a testament to her tenacity and perseverance,

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Technology has a rippling effect on our economy, society, and community.- Shaloo Garg

Shaloo Garg is a champion of innovation and technology and is the Managing Director at Microsoft’s Late Stage Startups and Unicorns program. She is passionate about technology’s power to effect

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Sandrine Bender and Alizée Gottardo inventor of Meyko for children with Asthma

Meyko was born out of the meeting of minds between Sandrine Bender and Alizée Gottardo during a training program on the Internet of Things, aimed at making engineers and designers collaborate. The enthusiasm that grew throughout

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Women Leaders Should Create Pink Oceans™ – Not Compete in Gray Markets

We are familiar with the concept of a “blue ocean” strategy developed by the famed book of that title written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne.  It is the

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Investing in Women is Key to Ending Global Hunger and Poverty

The Copperbelt region in the north of Zambia is known for one thing – mining. So, when a group of women from the area declared that they wanted to farm,

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