We are living in dangerous times with rollbacks on rights and freedoms worldwide. In these dangerous times, there is an opportunity for women to step up to these challenges. I believe that when women take the lead and become braver, bolder, and yes, more dangerous, embracing the risks necessary, we can shift the power paradigm and secure a safer, more sustainable future for our children and grandchildren.
What do I mean by dangerous? I don’t mean becoming someone to be feared, but I do mean being more fearless.

I don’t mean abusing your power, but I do mean using and sharing your power to empower others — speaking up and showing up for those without voice or representation. I don’t mean being reckless, but times of danger require taking more risks—and becoming an active, engaged and informed participant in the shaping of a better world than the one we have today. You can’t be dangerous from the sidelines.
In my work with global women leaders, I have witnessed the positive change that women activate when they acknowledge their personal and collective power — speaking out, speaking up and showing up for one another.
Their stories of courage and resilience — women literally on the frontlines of conflicts working together for peace, rising up for rights and protections, and innovating solutions for their families and communities — demonstrate the power of women to problem solve. This is especially true when women are connected to each other for shared learning and experiences. What’s possible when women leaders from around the world come together, listen and learn from each other, make connections and commit to actionable solutions?
One such new collective, Supermajority, started by dangerous women Alicia Garza, Ai Jen Poo and Cecile Richards, recently announced its Majority Rules, the values women want to see reflected in our homes, work and society. I’m focusing on these new “rules” for engaging women to become dangerous and to approach their supermajority power differently.
They are: Our lives are safe. Our bodies are respected. Our work is valued. Our families are supported. Our government represents us.
These rules are grounded by the Super Rule, which demands the lives and experiences of women – particularly women of color – be front and center in addressing all of our nation’s challenges.
As former president of Ireland Mary Robinson observed at the Connected Women Leaders Forum that I co-convened earlier this year, “We have many women leaders. We have many networks.” But the potential for what we can achieve if we all work together is “something we haven’t seen yet.” I truly believe this is how we’ll change the world, one dangerous woman at a time.