In the ever-changing realm of gender equality, the role of women in politics emerges as a focal point for discussion and action. As we progress through the 21st century, women’s voices in positions of authority resonate louder than ever, advocating for change, advancement, and inclusivity. Women’s involvement in peace and security processes—as peacekeepers, leaders, and members of defense and security sectors—is crucial for global security, stability, and democracy. Research indicates that higher representation of women in parliament generally leads to increased attention to women’s issues. Women’s Political participation is a fundamental requirement not only for gender equality but also for genuine democracy. It enables direct involvement of women in public decision-making and ensures better accountability to women. While increasing the number of women in decision-making roles is essential, it’s equally crucial to implement gender-sensitive governance reforms to enhance the effectiveness of all elected officials in promoting gender equality in public policies and ensuring their execution.

As of January 10, 2024, there are 26 countries where 28 women serve as Heads of State and Government. However, at the current rate, achieving gender equality in the highest positions of power globally is projected to take another 130 years. Only 15 countries have a female head of state, while 16 have a female head of government.

“”Equality is not a privilege; it’s a right we must fiercely defend. No decisions about us without us.” – Helen Clark ”
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One influential figure in this realm is Prime Minister Helen Clark, whose leadership in New Zealand across three terms set a precedent for women in politics worldwide. In this article, we explore the insights shared by Prime Minister Clark during her discussion on women and power at the Women’s Davos Agenda 2024, in conversation with Aleksandra Karasinska, Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Women Poland, examining the significance of female leadership, encountered challenges, and the way forward for aspiring women leaders.

Unveiling the Power of Female Leadership:

Prime Minister Helen Clark’s journey to political eminence exemplifies the transformative potential of female leadership. In a historically male-dominated landscape, her rise to the pinnacle of power shattered stereotypes and paved the way for future generations of women leaders. As the first woman elected Prime Minister of New Zealand following a general election, Prime Minister Clark’s tenure marked a pivotal moment in the nation’s history, inspiring women worldwide.

Prime Minister Clark’s impact extends beyond her political accomplishments. Throughout her career, she has been a staunch advocate for gender equality, sustainable development, and climate action. From championing progressive policies to amplifying marginalized voices, Prime Minister Clark epitomizes the transformative power of women in positions of authority.

Navigating Challenges and Confronting Backlash:

Despite strides in advancing women’s rights, Prime Minister Clark acknowledges the persistent challenges and backlash women face in politics. The erosion of women’s rights, especially concerning reproductive autonomy, poses a significant concern, with regressive agendas threatening to reverse decades of progress. Prime Minister Clark’s insights underscore the need to safeguard these hard-won liberties and resist efforts to curtail women’s autonomy.

Moreover, the prevalence of online harassment and misogyny presents significant obstacles for women entering politics. Prime Minister Clark’s candid reflections on the vitriol she encounters on social media highlight the harsh reality of navigating male-dominated spaces. Yet, her unwavering resilience inspires aspiring women leaders, emphasizing the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

Driving Change and Empowering Future Leaders:

Prime Minister Clark’s legacy is a guiding light for women aspiring to enter politics. Through strategic policymaking and advocacy, women in positions of authority can effect meaningful change across various spheres of governance. Prime Minister Clark’s initiatives in healthcare, education, and gender equality underscore the transformative impact of women’s leadership, showcasing the power of policy to foster a more equitable and inclusive society.

For aspiring women leaders, Prime Minister Clark offers words of encouragement and guidance. Despite their challenges, she urges them to seize opportunities and navigate obstacles with resilience and determination. By building supportive networks and forging alliances, women can confront entrenched biases, challenge the status quo, and pave the way for a brighter future.


  • Women’s political representation remains significantly low, highlighting the urgent need for concerted efforts to promote gender parity in political leadership.
  • The backlash against women’s rights underscores the importance of safeguarding hard-won liberties and resisting regressive agendas.
  • Despite facing significant challenges, women leaders like Prime Minister Helen Clark demonstrate the transformative power of female leadership in driving positive change.
  • Aspiring women leaders are encouraged to persevere, build supportive networks, and seize opportunities to effect meaningful change in their communities and beyond.

Reflecting on Prime Minister Helen Clark’s insights, we are reminded of the profound impact of women in politics. From breaking barriers to driving change, women leaders continue defying expectations and redefining leadership’s contours. As we strive for progress, let us draw inspiration from Prime Minister Clark’s resilience and determination, committing ourselves to empower women in politics. Together, we can build a future where women’s voices are heard, valued, and empowered to lead.

Taking Action:

Advocate for Gender Parity: Support initiatives and campaigns to increase women’s political representation, such as gender quotas and electoral reforms. Encourage political parties and institutions to prioritize gender diversity in candidate selection and leadership positions.

Combat Online Harassment: Take a stand against online harassment and misogyny by advocating for stronger policies and enforcement mechanisms on social media platforms. Support initiatives that provide resources and support for women facing online abuse and discrimination.

Support Women’s Leadership Programs: Invest in programs and initiatives that empower women to enter politics, develop leadership skills, and navigate male-dominated spaces. Provide mentorship, training, and networking opportunities for aspiring women leaders to thrive in their political careers.

Amplify Women’s Voices: Utilize your platform and influence to amplify women’s political voices and elevate their perspectives on key issues. Showcase the achievements and contributions of women leaders and challenge stereotypes and biases that perpetuate gender inequality in the political arena.

The journey towards gender equality in politics is multifaceted and ongoing. While significant progress has been made, there are still substantial challenges to overcome. The insights shared by Prime Minister Helen Clark serve as a reminder of the importance of continued advocacy, resilience, and solidarity in advancing the role of women in politics. By addressing systemic barriers, combating discrimination, and promoting inclusive policies, we can create a political landscape where women’s voices are heard and actively contribute to shaping the future. As we reflect on the transformative power of female leadership, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to empowering women in politics and building a more equitable and inclusive society for all.



4,797 thoughts on “The Power of Women in Politics: Prime Minister Helen Clark On Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges”

  1. Ирина Волк: расследование уголовного дела пирамиды Life is Good завершено
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    Официальный представитель МВД России Ирина Волк сообщила об окончании предварительного расследования уголовного дела Life is Good. Материалы с утвержденным обвинительным заключением в отношении десяти человек направлены в Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга для рассмотрения по существу. Они обвиняются в организации деятельности по привлечению денежных средств и мошенничестве, совершенных в особо крупном размере в составе преступного сообщества. Всего, по версии следствия, в состав криминальной организации входили 35 соучастников. Потерпевшими по уголовному делу признаны 221 человек – люди заключили договоры с целью получения пассивного дохода. Общая сумма материального ущерба составила свыше 280 млн рублей.

    «Кроме того, в деятельность финансовой пирамиды были вовлечены более 18 тысяч россиян. Они вложили в жилищный кооператив более 15 миллиардов рублей, два миллиарда из которых организаторы криминальной схемы присвоили. Десять предполагаемых участников преступного сообщества были задержаны в феврале 2022 года оперативниками ГУЭБиПК МВД России совместно с коллегами из Санкт-Петербурга и сотрудниками ФСБ России. Остальные обвиняемые в противоправной деятельности объявлены в розыск. Возбуждено уголовное дело по признакам преступления, предусмотренного частью 3 статьи 210, частью 4 статьи 159, частью 2 статьи 172.2 УК РФ. Расследование было взято на контроль руководством Следственного департамента МВД России», – сообщила Ирина Волк.

    По информации МВД, в общей сложности полицейскими и сотрудниками ФСБ проведено более 100 обысков по местам проживания фигурантов и в офисах подконтрольных им организаций. Изъята компьютерная техника, средства связи, документы и другие предметы, имеющие доказательственное значение.

    «В качестве обеспечительной меры по возмещению причиненного материального ущерба наложен арест на более чем 2300 находящихся в собственности кооператива квартир, а также на денежные средства на счетах компании в сумме свыше 3,7 млрд рублей. Также арестованы активы фигурантов на общую сумму порядка 1 млрд рублей», – рассказала генерал-майор полиции.

    По версии следствия, противоправная деятельность велась с 2014 года на территории девяти регионов России. Злоумышленниками были созданы подконтрольные организации с сетью региональных филиалов, которые работали под единым брендом «Лайф из Гуд». Гражданам предлагали стать пайщиками кооператива, обещая либо новое жилье, либо получение дохода в размере до 30% годовых. При этом реальным инвестированием вкладов фигуранты не занимались. Приобретение недвижимости и обещанные выплаты осуществлялись за счет привлечения средств новых клиентов. Кроме того, граждан вводили в заблуждение об уровне доходности вложений, указывая в договорах параметры гораздо ниже обещанных. Полученные от вкладчиков деньги похищались.

    Ранее стало известно, что Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга заочно арестовал топ-лидера инвестиционного проекта Life is Good в Набережных Челнах Сергея Санникова и его жену Юлию. Также суд избрал меру пресечения в виде заключения под стражу и в отношении директора холдинга Игоря Маланчука. В июле этого года они были объявлены в федеральный розыск – соответствующая информация появилась в базе данных министерства.

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